FastJson 之JSONPath
public JSONPath(String path)
public JSONPath(String path, SerializeConfig serializeConfig, ParserConfig parserConfig)
public static Object eval(Object rootObject, String path)
public static Object extract(String json, String path, ParserConfig config, int features, Feature... optionFeatures)
public static Object extract(String json, String path)
* 根据path检索值
* extract,按需计算, 性能会更好
public static int size(Object rootObject, String path)
* 计算Size
* Map非空元素个数, 对象非空元素个数, Collection的Size, 数组的长度
* 其他无法求值返回-1
public static Set<?> keySet(Object rootObject, String path)
* 获取, Map的KeySet, 对象非空属性的名称
* 数组, Collection等不支持类型返回null
public static boolean contains(Object rootObject, String path)
* 是否包含, path中是否存在对象
public static boolean containsValue(Object rootObject, String path, Object value)
* 是否包含, path中是否存在指定值
* 如果是集合或者数组, 在集合中查找value是否存在
public static void arrayAdd(Object rootObject, String path, Object... values)
* 在数组或者集合中添加元素, 添加成功返回 true,失败返回 false
public static boolean set(Object rootObject, String path, Object value)
* 修改制定路径的值, 如果修改成功, 返回true, 否则返回false
public static boolean remove(Object root, String path)
* 删除指定path的元素, 删除成功返回 true,失败返回 false
public static JSONPath compile(String path)
* 编译一个jsonpath为对象
public static Object read(String json, String path)
* 从一个json字符串中, 根据指定的path读取为Json对象
public static Map<String, Object> paths(Object javaObject)
public static Map<String, Object> paths(Object javaObject, SerializeConfig config)
* 返回指定Java对象的属性的所有json访问path
$ | 根对象,例如$.name |
[num] | 数组访问,其中num是数字,可以是负数。例如$[0].leader.departments[-1].name |
[num0,num1,num2…] | 数组多个元素访问,其中num是数字,可以是负数,返回数组中的多个元素。例如$[0,3,-2,5] |
[start:end] | 数组范围访问,其中start和end是开始小表和结束下标,可以是负数,返回数组中的多个元素。例如$[0:5] |
[start:end :step] | 数组范围访问,其中start和end是开始小表和结束下标,可以是负数;step是步长,返回数组中的多个元素。例如$[0:5:2] |
[?(key)] | 对象属性非空过滤,例如$.departs[?(name)] |
[key > 123] | 数值类型对象属性比较过滤,例如$.departs[id >= 123],比较操作符支持=,!=,>,>=,<,<= |
[key = ‘123’] | 字符串类型对象属性比较过滤,例如$.departs[name = ‘123’],比较操作符支持=,!=,>,>=,<,<= |
[key like ‘aa%’] | 字符串类型like过滤,例如$.departs[name like ‘sz*’],通配符只支持% |
支持not like | |
[key rlike ‘regexpr’] | 字符串类型正则匹配过滤,例如departs[name like ‘aa(.)*’],正则语法为jdk的正则语法,支持not rlike |
[key in (‘v0’, ‘v1’)] | IN过滤, 支持字符串和数值类型 例如: .departs[name in ('wenshao','Yako')] .departs[id not in (101,102)] |
[key between 234 and 456] | BETWEEN过滤, 支持数值类型,支持not between 例如: .departs[id between 101 and 201].departs[id not between 101 and 201] |
length() 或者 size() | 数组长度。例如$.values.size() 支持类型java.util.Map和java.util.Collection和数组 |
keySet() | 获取Map的keySet或者对象的非空属性名称。例如$.val.keySet() 支持类型:Map和普通对象不支持:Collection和数组(返回null) |
. | 属性访问,例如$.name |
… | deepScan属性访问,例如$…name |
* | 对象的所有属性,例如$.leader.* |
[‘key’] | 属性访问。例如$[‘name’] |
[‘key0’,‘key1’] | 多个属性访问。例如$[‘id’,‘name’] |
public void test_entity() throws Exception {
Entity entity = new Entity(123, new Object());
Assert.assertSame(entity.getValue(), JSONPath.eval(entity, "$.value"));
Assert.assertTrue(JSONPath.contains(entity, "$.value"));
Assert.assertTrue(JSONPath.containsValue(entity, "$.id", 123));
Assert.assertTrue(JSONPath.containsValue(entity, "$.value", entity.getValue()));
Assert.assertEquals(2, JSONPath.size(entity, "$"));
Assert.assertEquals(0, JSONPath.size(new Object[], "$"));
public static class Entity {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Object value;
public Entity() {}
public Entity(Integer id, Object value) { = id; this.value = value; }
public Entity(Integer id, String name) { = id; = name; }
public Entity(String name) { = name; }
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public Object getValue() { return value; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setId(Integer id) { = id; }
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; }
Demo - 读取数据
List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
entities.add(new Entity("wenshao"));
entities.add(new Entity("ljw2083"));
List<String> names = (List<String>)JSONPath.eval(entities, "$.name"); // 返回enties的所有名称
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(0).getName(), names.get(0));
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(1).getName(), names.get(1));
Demo2 - 返回集合中多个元素
List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
entities.add(new Entity("wenshao"));
entities.add(new Entity("ljw2083"));
List<String> names = (List<String>)JSONPath.eval(entities, "$.name"); // 返回enties的所有名称
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(0).getName(), names.get(0));
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(1).getName(), names.get(1));
Demo3 - 按范围返回集合的子集
List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
entities.add(new Entity("wenshao"));
entities.add(new Entity("ljw2083"));
entities.add(new Entity("Yako"));
List<Entity> result = (List<Entity>)JSONPath.eval(entities, "[0:2]"); // 返回下标从0到2的元素
Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(0), result.get(0));
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(1), result.get(1));
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(2), result.get(1));
Demo4 - 通过条件过滤,返回集合的子集
List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
entities.add(new Entity(1001, "ljw2083"));
entities.add(new Entity(1002, "wenshao"));
entities.add(new Entity(1003, "yakolee"));
entities.add(new Entity(1004, null));
List<Object> result = (List<Object>) JSONPath.eval(entities, "[id in (1001)]");
Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size());
Assert.assertSame(entities.get(0), result.get(0));
Demo5 - 根据属性值过滤条件判断是否返回对象,修改对象,数组属性添加元素
Entity entity = new Entity(1001, "ljw2083");
Assert.assertSame(entity , JSONPath.eval(entity, "[id = 1001]"));
Assert.assertNull(JSONPath.eval(entity, "[id = 1002]"));
JSONPath.set(entity, "id", 123456); //将id字段修改为123456
Assert.assertEquals(123456, entity.getId().intValue());
JSONPath.set(entity, "value", new int[0]); //将value字段赋值为长度为0的数组
JSONPath.arrayAdd(entity, "value", 1, 2, 3); //将value字段的数组添加元素1,2,3
Map root = Collections.singletonMap("company", //
Collections.singletonMap("departs", //
Arrays.asList( //
1001), //
1002), //
Collections.singletonMap("id", 1003) //
) //
List<Object> ids = (List<Object>) JSONPath.eval(root, "$");
assertEquals(3, ids.size());
assertEquals(1001, ids.get(0));
assertEquals(1002, ids.get(1));
assertEquals(1003, ids.get(2));
Demo - 7 KeySet
Entity e = new Entity();
Map<String, Entity> map = Collections.singletonMap("e", e);
Collection<String> result;
// id is null, excluded by keySet
result = (Collection<String>)JSONPath.eval(map, "$.e.keySet()");
assertEquals(1, result.size());
result = (Collection<String>)JSONPath.eval(map, "$.e.keySet()");
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
Assert.assertTrue(result.contains("id")); // included
// Same result
Assert.assertEquals(result, JSONPath.keySet(map, "$.e"));
Assert.assertEquals(result, new JSONPath("$.e").keySet(map));